This weekend, at Piper's 5th birthday party, I started talking about scrapbooking. I overlooked the whole notion of scrapbooking in the beginning. I honestly don't know why. This summer, on a whim, I bought a scrapbook and some little stickers and pretty "things" that I thought would work well in an album of sorts. I have only recently started photographing and the only reason I started doing that was because I realized how often I am drawn to images I see on websites. I absolutely adore being given that small window into such a large life. It is amazing what you can capture in one image.
So I started taking pictures more regularly. It has gotten so bad that I literally have to have my camera with me at all times. Then the question came to me...what to do with all of these photos? That was when the scrapbook was purchased, more as just an album, a place to hold my pictures, than anything else. But what I am slowly realizing is that scrapbooking is a way to tell a story, to write about your life, to record every day events in an extraordinary way. It is inspiring. It is honest. It is authentic. It is beautiful.
Putting pictures and thoughts down on a piece of paper is a way to cherish those moments. It also has this amazing way of making you start to see "moments" all the time. It is so easy to get lost in the hectic nature of life, the craziness of work, bills, responsibilities, anger, frustration, sadness. Capturing the things you are grateful for, the things that make you happy and at peace with life, help blur the edges of the harshness of realities.
I think I am a lifelong convert to scrapbooking. It is really is The Art of Life.
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