Troubling? Yes
Confusing? Yes
Funny? Yes!
First of all, I didn't think my niece even knew what "breaking up" meant. Her parents are happily married, her grandparents (on both sides) are happily married. Where is she learning about breaking up? And should I be happy that she is such a modern woman at seven who feels no qualms about picking up and moving on to something better?
All I can say is that I was astonished and also a teeny bit proud of her speech last night. She then went on to show me some of the positions she learned in her new ballet class. If there is anything cuter than the serious face of a 7-year-old striking ballet moves, I don't know what it is.
In other news, I watched Life, Unexpected which aired on Monday, but I had it Tivo'd. I think I may already be hooked. It was such a good show! Entertaining, nice pacing, good dialog, great music, what else can you ask for? It stars Shiri Appleby from Roswell and her co-star Kristoffer Polaha (very cute!). It's about a former high school liason that resulted in a baby. It is now 16 years later and the biological parents' (Shiri and Kristoffer) lives are disrupted when the baby Shiri had in high school and gave up for adoption (unbeknownst to Kristoffer) comes looking for her biological parents. Critics are comparing it to Gilmore Girls, a hugely popular show that I am admittedly only discovering now in re-runs. So I will be tuning in to this new addition to my already packed television-viewing schedule!
Speaking of television-viewing, did anyone catch Heidi Montag's two-night interview on Access Hollywood? AND her cover of People Magazine? She's 23 and has already had over 10 cosmetic surgeries! I don't like to speak disparagingly about people, especially when it comes to matters of self-esteem and confidence, but this girl may have some issues that are not being addressed properly. She and her husband are publicity hounds to a frightening degree. It seems they will stop at nothing for notoriety, even if it means completely transforming themselves to the point of no return. While being interviewed for Nightline last night, Heidi said, "My message is about inner beauty." Ju Ju Chang, who was conducting the interview, said, "But that is the exact opposite message you are portraying." I don't know what is going to become of Heidi & Spencer. I hope that there flame is fleeting and that they are not public figures for the duration. Only time will tell.
This weekend I am hoping to get to the movies. Last weekend I saw Avatar in 3D at an IMAX theater. I wasn't even wanting to see that movie but the opportunity arose and I am a sucker for going to the movies. I did, however, get a little motion sick from the 3D aspect of it but it was an incredible movie. I didn't care so much for the plot, it was all about the visual adventure. If you are planning on seeing Avatar, I highly recommend the 3D version!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!